Our Services

Our own range of planters, or bespoke custom planters. Consultation and design of your space. Expert advice on planters
and plants to suit the light and environmental
conditions, ensuring longevity and ease of maintenance. Adding plants to achieve the scientifically proven results of improved air quality.


Once the design aspects are solidified, our expert installation team will set everything in motion for you and then confirm a date to complete the installation.

Maintenance Options

The care we take with your space extends beyond installation; we also offer ongoing plant maintenance. We don't want any plants dying on you. Therefore, we offer maintenance services to both residential and commercial clients. Our maintenance
services include:

• Ensuring optimum levels of watering.
• Monitoring and providing for the plants' nutritional needs.
• Insect and fungus control.
• Pruning, trimming, and
• cleaning foliage.
• Re-potting and topping up of soil when needed.